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I have a question directed more towards the developers over at Valve.

I can’t seem to recall it being that big of a problem in CS Source, however, 
since the release of Day of Defeat: Source, our server along with several other 
servers that we affiliate with have been seeing a rising trend in the use of 
ASCII characters and extended letters.

We are seeing names in the logs that look like this:


Now obviously, this is NOT the name of the person playing… instead they used 
special letters that apparently the User Interface of the client of DoD source 
supports, but the server side logging and what not do NOT.  This will have a 
direct impact because of the use of Psychostats and other log parsers that read 
through the server log files to generate statistics and other valuable 

In addition, there are several characters that cause the console on the Linux 
side to get royally messed up and even change to where nothing is readable and 
you have to close the console (i.e. restart the server) to get it fixed.  Also, 
extra line breaks in the log files are also being seen adding to the mess.

Is there any way that we can either 1) limit the use of the extended ASCII 
codes, or 2) add in support to the log files and console to actually support 
the characters?

I know that for the most part we’re talking about a font issue… But it’s 
causing some problems for server admins such as myself.




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