You speak as though you haven't ever played a source game.  I usually 
play on servers that have lots of people already on, and sort the server 
list by occupancy.  When multiple clans begin to fake the number of 
online players, it clutters the server window.  There is no easy way to 
remove these servers from the listing client side.  I'd really prefer to 
not "shop around" to find a full server.  These empty servers detract 
from the quality of the game.  If I had an easy way to programmatically 
block these servers client side I wouldn't complain since I would be 
able to fix the problem.  But, since there is no such method and Valve 
isn't cleaning out the list, I feel that the only way to fix to problem 
is to complain publicly.

HoundDawg wrote:
> There sure has been a lot of QQ about other servers on these lists 
> lately.  Are you guys really that jealous?  Is it really worth all of 
> the time and energy whining about de-listing these servers, de-listing 
> those servers, etc?  Just run your servers, build your community, and 
> re-route that energy into having fun on your servers, with your 
> community of players. 
> Players that connect to these other servers will eventually discover 
> that they're not getting what they were expecting and will move on.  If 
> not, then perhaps they deserve to be there?  The better players will 
> shop around the servers looking for the right ones they enjoy playing.  
> Focus on providing that environment for them, not complaining about others.
> Besides, server ranking won't matter if you have a solid community.  For 
> example, Voogru's TF2 server is constantly full.  There are real 
> players, which are really good and fun to play on a team with.  His 
> dodgeball server, although exclusive, still manages to never be empty.  
> He works hard to create a fun gaming environment, which keep the players 
> coming back and his servers on the favorites list, which is by far 
> better than Valve's server ranking system.
> I think we've all seen plenty of server complaints over the past week, 
> let's give it a rest and go back to enjoying the game. 

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