Hey list,


When I was talking about this in the IRC channel a while ago, it seemed like
there was a bit of interest, so I thought I'd bring it up here for more


This weekend I released a beta for my SourceOP plugin. SourceOP is basically
an admin mod type of plugin with features similar to Mani and SourceMod.
However, there are two distinguishing features that everyone seems to agree
are pretty sweet.


The first is the ability to remotely admin your server. With a separate
client program, you can connect to your server, deal with players, eavesdrop
on their chat, and also hear everything they are saying over voice chat. Not
only that, but with the 2D overview, you can see where everyone is in
real-time allowing easy access to find and deal with trouble makers without
starting the game. Here is a quick screenshot showing everything in action:



The second-most-awesome feature is the Lua scripting engine. It is possible
to implement commands, features, and even custom entities that maps can use
from a SourceOP script. Many of the commands and features are implemented in
Lua, so there are plenty of examples to help get you started if you wanted
to customize or write your own scripts.


Every feature is disableable, so if you wanted to use only the remote admin
or only the entity editing commands, that is certainly possible.


This is a beta release, but it's the same plugin I've been using exclusively
on my own TF2 servers for years, so it should be pretty stable. The only
thing majorly lacking right now is documentation. If you'd like to help out
with that, please shoot me an email and I will get you everything you need
to help.


If you're interested, you can find more information on the wiki here:


Downloads page is here:



If you try it and run into any problems at all, please do not hesitate to
bring them forward either by email to me or on the forums.





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