Hi John,
Thanks for the reply.

The host i'm with right now is linode.com and they are great, except that i
see performance drop when i hit around 28 players+.  I think i'm shy by
about 200-300mhz to pull a 32player server off smoothly.

I have been in contact with them regarding CPU and the fastest servers they
have right now is what i'm on now:

Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU           L5420  @ 2.50GHz

I have 4 cores to work with but with SRCDS not being multithreaded it
doesn't work out in my favor.  The only OS i have available are *nix based.

What threading/parallel processing options in OB are their? I looked all
over and couldn't find anything to try out to potentially help me out.

I'm not too sure about PV-on-HVM drivers, i will have to look into that.


On Mon, Mar 28, 2011 at 3:09 PM, John <lists.va...@nuclearfallout.net>wrote:

> On 3/28/2011 8:23 AM, Chris wrote:
>> Question for you all, i'm currently renting a xen VPS and hosting a 32 man
>> server on it, it handles 28 players no problem but when we get 32/32 the FPS
>> drops below the tickrate and ingame lag becomes apparent.
>> I'm considering two options:
>> 1. Build a box and host it.
>> 2. Find another provider.
> Have you also talked with your host and asked them if another machine is
> available that would have faster cores, and whether there is just a high
> load on your current machine? They may be able to move you to different
> hardware in order to accommodate your needs. Switching to another host would
> be a bit of a crap-shoot unless they can guarantee that they will give you a
> faster core than your machine has now (and preferably a dedicated one).
>  I don't mind switching providers assuming I get the control I want, I
>> really want the OS to be Linux with SSH access. Anyone have any suggestions?
>>  I'm currently paying $60/month.
> If you can swallow it, Windows is worth a try. Generally, you'll get a bit
> higher performance on Windows with Orangebox.
> You might also try experimenting with the various threading/parallel
> processing options in OB, if you have multiple virtual cores at your
> disposal and haven't already.
> Does your current Xen VPS use PV-on-HVM drivers? If not, switching to a
> kernel that supports these will reduce network overhead, and could give you
> a little bit of extra performance.
>  If i were to build a server what processor spec's would you recommend to
>> run a 32 man server on?
> For future-proofing, ideally go for the fastest cores that you can get.
> Server-wise, the Intel x34xx series of processors is a sweet spot right now,
> in my experience offering better performance than the 55xx / 56xx line at
> the same base clock, and would be closest to your current budget (though any
> fast, fully dedicated machine is going to be pretty far beyond what you pay
> now). As others have said, the x3460 and x3470 are very good processors out
> of this line, and IMO the x3470 is the best value right now.
> If you don't mind holding off for a couple of months, server versions of
> Sandy Bridge will also be released soon and offer even higher performance at
> a similar price point (you're looking at between $1k and $1.5k for a
> self-built 1u server).
> -John
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