The performance increases you've seen with this options, do they only apply
to servers being hosted in VM's or across the board?

-----Original Message-----
[] On Behalf Of John
Sent: Monday, March 28, 2011 3:42 PM
Subject: Re: [hlds_linux] Server Specs for 32 Player Server

On 3/28/2011 12:42 PM, Chris wrote:
> Hi John,
> Thanks for the reply.
> The host i'm with right now is and they are great, except 
> that i see performance drop when i hit around 28 players+.  I think 
> i'm shy by about 200-300mhz to pull a 32player server off smoothly.
> I have been in contact with them regarding CPU and the fastest servers 
> they have right now is what i'm on now:
> Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU           L5420  @ 2.50GHz

It's a bit surprising that this is the fastest that they have. 
Harpertown is a tad long in the tooth right now and lacks EPT, so you're
right about these CPUs being slow. Game servers perform much better at the
same clock speed on Nehalem and better (in many cases, 30%+ better) and the
EPT support in Nehalem+ processors speeds up virtualization. It might be
worth checking around for a host that uses Nehalem+ and/or that can offer

> I have 4 cores to work with but with SRCDS not being multithreaded it 
> doesn't work out in my favor.  The only OS i have available are *nix
> What threading/parallel processing options in OB are their? I looked 
> all over and couldn't find anything to try out to potentially help me out.

Try "-threads 3" or "-threads 1" on the command line, and try different
values for these cvars:

host_thread_mode (though I'm not sure that this applies to servers)
net_queued_packet_thread sv_parallel_packentities sv_parallel_sendsnapshot

Sometimes reducing thread usage or turning off the parallel options seems to
speed things up, surprisingly.

> I'm not too sure about PV-on-HVM drivers, i will have to look into that.

If your host is restricting you to Linux only, it's likely that you are on a
straight PV setup, in which case you are set for this already (you won't
need PV-on-HVM).


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