I'm not sure if you meant these as both questions for the FAQ and asking
them in general, or just the FAQ, but going by the tone of your post I'll
guess the fomer and help you out from what I've garnered from testing the
system thus far;

Recording of the replays by the server starts as soon as a player (bot or
human) connects to the server, and will seamlessly record everything until
the last player disconnects. When a client smashes all over F6 to get a
replay, the server simply correlates the time they were alive to the various
.block files and forks over a list of the appropriate files for the TF2
client to request from the web server. (Hence why unlike a demo recording,
you can watch from anyone's POV at any time, everything is recorded to the

As for the duration of being able to download the files from the web server,
I tested whether least the client will keep intelligently trying
to acquire the files even across a game restart by starting the demo capture
when I spawned on the map, running around and doing things to be recorded
for about a minute, then jumping off the map. I hopped into the replay menu
in the client, and while it still stated 'Downloading...' I quite rudely
killed the apache process on the server as well as killing TF2 via
taskamanger @ the same time. I then restarted Steam, hopped back into TF2
and checked the replay menu. It still stated 'waiting..' so I fired the
apache process back up, and about 10 seconds later, the replay finished
downloading, error free. So it would seem the client will at least keep
trying, if there's a cap on that timer, I suppose Jon will need to answer
that one.

On Mon, May 9, 2011 at 4:45 PM, Ronny Schedel <i...@ronny-schedel.de> wrote:

> Here are some questions for your FAQ:
> How does the replay feature really work? I mean, people have to hit some
> keys like F6 to start recording. So, only people which started the record
> can download the files? How long are people able to download the files after
> they finished playing? As long as the files are available on the web server?
> This means the clients gets some links only during the record, because the
> record on the server is all the time, even when no one has requested a
> record, correct?
> Does the replay system stay after the competition? Is it planned to be
> ported to other games?
> Best regards
> Ronny
>  Also, the files are already compressed using bzip.
>> We will be releasing a FAQ for server ops within the next day or so, which
>> will include all the details. I'll post to this list and the forums.
>> -Jon
>> On May 9, 2011, at 8:40 AM, "Saint K." <sai...@specialattack.net> wrote:
>>  Thanks for that.
>>> This rather surprises me. So I only need to offer them for download. That
>>> kind of punches a hole in my plan on gzipping/tarring the entire thing
>>> before offering it up for download.
>>> Cheers,
>>> -----Original Message-----
>>> From: hlds_linux-boun...@list.valvesoftware.com [mailto:
>>> hlds_linux-boun...@list.valvesoftware.com] On Behalf Of Eli Witt
>>> Sent: 09 May 2011 16:17
>>> To: Half-Life dedicated Linux server mailing list
>>> Subject: Re: [hlds_linux] replay feature
>>> You don't "offer" any of the files to your players.
>>> The server is logging everything on the server into the .block files, and
>>> when a player requests the replay of a life, the server sends a list of
>>> those .block files that the client was alive for, and the tf2 client
>>> automatically downloads them.
>>> Your players should never need to see the HTTP directory with all the
>>> files, it runs transparently to them like using a fast DL server.
>>> On Mon, May 9, 2011 at 6:15 AM, Saint K. <sai...@specialattack.net>
>>> wrote:
>>>  Hi,
>>>> Is it me, or is the info regarding the replay feature a bit limited?
>>>> I've enabled it just now for the first time, and I see it creating a
>>>> bunch of files.
>>>> 20110509-113551-pl_goldrush.dmx
>>>> 20110509-113551-pl_goldrush_part_0.block
>>>> 20110509-113551-pl_goldrush_part_10.block
>>>> 20110509-113551-pl_goldrush_part_11.block
>>>> 20110509-113551-pl_goldrush_part_12.block
>>>> 20110509-113551-pl_goldrush_part_13.block
>>>> 20110509-113551-pl_goldrush_part_14.block
>>>> 20110509-113551-pl_goldrush_part_15.block
>>>> etc etc etc.
>>>> What are the .dmx and .block files used for?  And what files do I
>>>> offer to my clients to download?
>>>> Also, if someone has the replay feature enabled, will it just create a
>>>> list like this above for the game in general, or does it record per
>>>> user?
>>>> Cheers,
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