You know, working my brain more I bet what I saw is partly due to use
of the sourcemod plugin "TF2 Fast Respawn" or similar ones.

Since that plugin leaves the mp_respawnwavetimes cvar alone, you will
not get the respawntimes sv_tag set. More importantly, even if you
manually force it with sv_tag "respawntimes", the tag will get yanked
out when the config is loaded. I remember now that to get quickplay to
leave my server alone I had to set the
tf_server_identity_disable_quickplay 1 cvar. Even just adding the
sv_tag "noquickplay" wasn't enough, as it would also be overwritten
without actually setting the cvar.

I believe I recall Fletch or someone making a comment about this on
the list earlier.

Im not trying to excuse them, but maybe some of these servers that
quickplay is hitting aren't so much malicious as simply uninformed.
They set the sv_tags and just run with it. I know it took me a bit to
figure out.


On Tue, Feb 28, 2012 at 2:02 PM, Thorsten Knoll <> wrote:
> As i understood fletchers post from the 04.01.12 (policy of truth) there´s a
> difference between getting a quickplay-penalty (automated) or getting banned
> from the master-list for a month (hand-selected). could this be the "bug in
> the system" you mentioned.
> - thorsten
> Am 28.02.2012 20:22, schrieb ics:
>> Quickplay by default should not give you any servers that have these
>> settings mentioned altered. Either there is a bug in the system (unlikely)
>> or these servers lie the response to Valve, thus break the rules.
>> -ics
>> 28.2.2012 20:15, Andrew kirjoitti:
>>> I was using quickplay some last weekend, and I ended up on a faster
>>> respawn server. Yet when I backed out to favor it the faster spawn
>>> times were clearly stated in the server browser and with the
>>> respawntimes tag.
>>> Is this what you have noticed? Or were the servers you saw hiding any
>>> reference to the faster/insta spawns.
>>> Or maybe I'm just going crazy; been a rough couple of weeks.
>>> -Andrew
>>> On Tue, Feb 28, 2012 at 12:00 PM, Ken Bateman<>
>>>  wrote:
>>>> On 2/28/2012 12:41 PM, lwf wrote:
>>>>>     Servers should be running as "vanilla" as possible. In particular,
>>>>> these server tags (sv_tags) will disqualify a server:
>>>>>         respawntimes
>>>>>         norespawntime
>>>> I got the player count and respawn times policies confused then.  So the
>>>> server must be fiddling with sv_tags.  That's a paddlin'.
>>>> -Ken
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Andrew (Wave Admin)
The Wave!
24/7 CTF
1/2 respawn times

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