On 2/20/2013 12:35 PM, Fletcher Dunn wrote:
I've also considered adding functionality for clients to download VPK's from 
gameservers, as opposed to individual files.  Then the VPK would be mounted as 
a map search path.  This has the added benefit that it allows custom map assets 
to override shipping assets.  (Something which is no longer possible, since the 
tf/download folder, where the client will place downloaded files, is the LAST 
search path --- this is for security reasons.)  It would also mean revving the 
custom assets would be simpler.  If there is interest in this functionality, 
let me know, I could look into it.
I missed this from your post earlier.

The ability to download VPKs would make it a lot easier for mods which use a lot of models, materials, and sounds, like Vs. Saxton Hale (maintained by FlaminSarge) and Freak Fortress 2 (nominally maintained by me). Particularly for FF2, as it support user-created boss characters, so contributors could just create VPKs of each boss along with their configuration file.

Needless to say, I wholeheartedly support the idea of being able to serve VPKs to clients. The L4D and L4D2 server owners would love it if you would add this ability to those games as well, since campaigns are distributed via VPK.

However, when talking to FlaminSarge earlier, this came up in our conversation:

7:42 PM - Powerlord: Anyway, I was just thinking you could download the models, materials, and sounds up front if you needed them. Or if the server itself could send back the VPK if they were used on teh server side (which fastdownload can't)
7:43 PM - FlaminSarge…: you could certainly distribute them as a vpk
7:43 PM - FlaminSarge…: but updating would prove painful
7:43 PM - FlaminSarge…: or rather, annoying.
7:43 PM - Powerlord: Actually, if the server can figure out which vpk a file is in and offer that to the client, why wouldn't that work on a fastdownload? Clearly testing is necessary
7:43 PM - FlaminSarge…: yes, but will a client load the VPK in time?
7:44 PM - FlaminSarge…: and what happens when a VPK has been updated but has the same name?
7:44 PM - Powerlord: Oh, true.
7:44 PM - FlaminSarge…: servers cannot check vpk versions
7:44 PM - FlaminSarge…: even though vpks support version info

So, the problem then becomes "Can the client tell when their VPK is out of date and download the newer version automatically?"

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