the intuition is just in a little diagram with 4 points and lots of
   edges labelled P and Q.

Thanks, Rob, and I think I understand now!  You solved Los's Logic problem 
because you had the courage to try a bold frontal attack, while I floundered 
for the lack of some cool insight.  This is an important point, as we're 
interested in how smart MESON is.  Here's how I think your bold frontal attack 
must have gone.  Let's change the symbols P & Q to ~ and <.  So we know that 
~ is symmetric and transitive  (~symm, ~trans)
< is transitive    (<trans)
forall x y. x ~ y or x < y      (~union<)
We're trying to prove 
(forall x y. x ~ y) or (forall x y. x < y)
So we have to negate one of these two and prove the other.  You got both proofs 
to work, I believe, so let's negate the ~ one.  So we'll assume that 
there exists a b such that a !~ b  (i.e. a !~ b is false).
We must prove forall x y. x < y.  

So choose x y, and let's take diagrams of involving the points a, b, x & y for 
both ~ and <.  We'll have an arrow from one point to another if there's a 
relation.  With 4 points, there are 4^4 = 256 possible diagrams for each 
relation, and so 256^2 = 65536 total possibilities.  We don't want to look at 
all 65,536!  Of course we know that 
a !~ b     by assumption
b !~ a     by ~symm
a < b and b < a     by ~union<.
So in each diagram there are really only 3*3*4*4 = 144 possibilities, so we 
have 20,736 total possibilities.  That's still way too many.  I've drawn two 
diagrams with 4 points in each, connected by 6 lines.  In the < picture I have 
2 arrowheads to  indicate arrows a -> b and b -> a.  In the ~ picture I have 2 
little x's marked in to indicate there is no arrow from a -> b or b -> a.

OK, staring at the two diagrams I see nothing, so I'll look at two triangles 
instead, with 3 points a, b & x.  I count a mere 144 = (2*2*3)^2 possibilities 
for the two diagrams.  I don't want to check them all, though.  I think it's 
quite possible that our bold explorer would then bifurcate on the question of 
a ~ x.  
Let's look at the two cases:

a ~ x     by assumption
x ~ a     by ~symm
b !~ x and x !~ b     by ~symm, ~trans, since a !~ b and b !~ a 
b < x and x < b     by ~union<
a < x and x < a     by <trans, since a < b and b < a.

Let's look at the other case:

a !~ x     by assumption
x !~ a     by ~symm
a < x and x < a     by ~union<
b < x and x < b     by <trans, since a < b and b < a.

Whuddya know!  We got the same result both ways!  Thus we've proved that 

Lemma: forall x. a < x and x < a and b < x and x < b

I think that's easier to see if you draw the 4 triangles.  Now it's all 

Choose x and y.  Then 
a < b and b < a     by assumption
x < a and a < y     by Lemma
x < y     by <trans

I think I showed that what MESON proved, a bold explorer could have replicated 
without any particular insight.  Congratulations for actually doing this!


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