On 03/08/12 13:43, Bill Richter wrote:
> I don't know how to get rid of new_type using H and your 4-arg predicate.   I
> tried this, and I got the error message #     Exception: Failure "term after
> binary operator expected":

> parse_as_infix("===",(12, "right"));; let A1_DEF = new_definition `A1axiom  T
> ===  <=>  !a b. T a /\ T b  ==>  a,b === b,a`;;

> I can appreciate this error message.  I want to say that T is a set and a
> belongs to T (or T a = True, or T a), but I don't see how I can do that
> without some typing.  What do I even want the type of a, b & T to be here?

> This seems to be a question of how to implement sets in HOL Light.

You could do it by replacing your concrete type point with a type variable.

   type_of `MAP`

for syntax.  (In HOL4 and SML, you'd get (:'a->'b) -> 'a list -> 'b list, but I 
have this feeling that HOL Light does things a little differently.)

But, first: the issue you have with your parameterised axioms and === is caused 
by the fact that you need a way of "stripping" === of its special infix status.

So, I'd suggest:

   `A1axiom T (===) <=> !a b. T a /\ T b ==> a,b === b,a`

Do this without pre-committing to any types at all and your definition will be 
suitably polymorphic.

Ultimately, you'd have theorems of the form

   TarskiModel T (===) ==> ...some conclusion...

 From skimming your sources very superficially, it looks as if the Between 
'constant' would need to be a parameter of TarskiModel too.

It also looks as if you could dispense with the T parameter, and just have

   A1axiom (===) <=> !a b. a,b === b,a

Again, not defining any types in advance would give you something suitably 

As you noted, doing things this way is likely to be rather painful because you 
will constantly have this annoying TarskiModel hypothesis hanging around.


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