Thanks for explaining GSPEC, SETSPEC & IN_ELIM_THM, Michael!  I'm glad to know 
that HOL4 can replicate my 1-line proof with SRW_TAC [][EXTENSION], similarly 
"complicated underneath the hood."   I'm confused by you paraphrasing Konrad as 
saying that your exercise was "annoying to prove."  It would seem to me now 
that Konrad probably meant that there's a slick 1-line proof that would be, for 
newbies like me, "hard to understand".

Thanks for also explaining IN_ELIM_THM, John!  Your 2nd fork is all I'm I'm 

   the encoding of sets and the IN_ELIM_THM theorem that's used to
   unravel it seems complicated or unintuitive to explain to readers
   not versed in HOL?

And it's not just me who's not versed in HOL.  I'm hoping mathematicians and 
high school teachers are going to read my paper and code, so the less I 
befuddle them the better.  It doesn't follow that my lambda rewrite is a good 
idea, and I'd like your guidance here.  I didn't understand your SET_RULE 
rewrite, so I'll go read about SET_RULE.  Let me back up a bit:

Originally I had problems with set in miz3, but I think now that it was just my 
incompetence, and after I learned about IN_ELIM_THM, I could use {...} in my 
definitions of rays, angles etc.  I just posted a problem with miz3 and {...}, 
but that seems pretty minor to me.   So I'm no longer thinking that "compiler 
does a poor job on code." 

I still have set theory problems, but they don't seem to involve miz3.  Ramana 
and Michael helped me to eliminate new_axiom and new_type from the beginning of 
my simpler Tarski axiomatic geometry code.  But it got messy when I came to my 
defined infix predicate 
parse_as_infix("cong",(12, "right"));;
let cong_DEF = new_definition
 `a,b,c cong x,y,z <=>
   a,b === x,y /\ a,c === x,z /\ b,c === y,z`;;
and I never finished the rewrite.  I was amazed to get even that far.  

Right now I'm worrying about a different problem, that I've never understood, especially its use of IN_ELIM_THM to prove the IN_<operation> 
theorems.  After Michael taught me that a {...} is equal, in a complicated way, 
to a lambda, I thought, why not just define INTER, DELETE, UNION etc as 
lambdas?   Then the IN_<operation> theorems are easy to prove, and I wrote up 
miz3 proofs myself that I could easily understand.  It would be easy to rewrite 
my 4000 lines of miz3 Hilbert code using lambda defs of INTER etc, and maybe 
that makes my code look simpler or more self-contained.  I'm still not 
convinced it's a good idea.  I think I'm missing a lot.  What is the point of 
the {...} definition of INTER, other than to see the nice {...} notation?  I 
love the {...} notation myself, but it's really equal to a lambda.  So  I 
wonder if the visual plus of some {...} in my code and in offsets the 
fact that BETA_THM is so much simpler than IN_ELIM_THM.  I can't judge.  It !
 was definitely a thrill for me to write readable understandable miz3 proofs of 
all the results that I use.

I can think of other miz3 problems that seem a lot more pressing that set 
notations, like being able to use 
#use "<miz3-file>.ml";;
I'm guessing I'll have 5000 lines of code by the time I'm done, and what if 
somebody's machine can't store that much in the X-selection or whatever to 
paste it from one window to another?  And if we could #use miz3 code, couldn't 
it be included in distributions with straight HOL Light code?  

We had a vigorous discussion about about how powerful miz3 could be, or wants 
to be.   Here's what I learned, mostly from Michael.   Mizar, as opposed to 
miz3, seems to have intentionally weakened itself (i.e. you have to write out 
very complete proofs), and that's a plus for using Mizar in classrooms to 
police the students' homework.  I used to desire such weakness, but Michael 
convinced me that this is a bad idea (respect the students, don't shackle 
them!), and something that, at least in miz3, is just a matter of fiddling with 
the heuristics in a hit or miss way.  Freek explained there was no evidence for 
any shackling of miz3, which can indeed give 1-line proofs of my first 24 
theorems or so.   But it's odd that miz3 isn't even more powerful.  Freek 
pointed out that MESON has a built-in depth limit of 50 which GEN_MESON_TAC can 
remove.  But you seem to argue in the reference manual that raising the depth 
limit isn't a good idea:

   However, the inconvenience of doing this is seldom repaid by a
   dramatic improvement in performance, since exploration is normally
   at least exponential with the size bound.

Michael & I agreed we wanted miz3 to be more powerful, and you're the expert!  
Freek explained that all the calculation of "by" justifications is actually 
done in your code  Here's a dumb question.  I know MESON is an FOL 
prover that can't handle true HOL, and I think I have some true HOL code, owing 
to my set theory.  But I have no idea how much my sets slow MESON down. 


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