Thanks for responding, Ramana!  I see only one advantage to redefining set 
operations (e.g. INTER) as abstractions: it makes my code easier to read for me 
and my target audience of mathematicians, as I can substitute the very easy 
BETA_THM for the subtle and complicated IN_ELIM_THM that Michael and John just 
explained.  You gave me some arguments against switching from set abstractions 
to sets, and that's good.  However, 

Mathematicians distinguish between a subset of X and a boolean function on X, 
even though they're "the same thing", and I was worried that HOL wasn't making 
this distinction.  I think you're saying the set-abstraction/enumeration 
notation creates some sort of difference between  subsets and boolean 
functions, and I'm happy to hear that.  There's certainly something to be said 
for  abstraction barrier so we can change low-level representations, but I 
don't see the relevance of that here.  So that's great, and thanks for 
explaining. But I'm confused about the difference between set-abstractions and 
set-enumeration, both of which get printed as {...}.   Both INSERT and {} are 
defined as abstractions in HOL Light, and I assume the same is true for HOL4, 
and yet they they get printed with {...}:
#    `x  INSERT {y}`;;
val it : term = `{x, y}`
#  `x  INSERT y INSERT {}`;;
val it : term = `{x, y}`
That surprises me.  I don't see why abstractions should get printed as {...}, 
and I don't see how INSERT and {} respect your barrier between abstractions and 
sets.  But {} is defined as (\ x:A. F), and this does not get printed as {...}:
#  `x  INSERT y INSERT (\ x. F)`;;
val it : term = `x INSERT y INSERT (\x. F)`

   This is the same reason to use the constant IN in your definitions
   and statements, even though many proofs go through easiest by
   rewriting it away first.

I think my motivation is different.  I have 1167 occurrences of the predicate 
IN in my miz3 Hilbert axiomatic geometry code
 (now at 4180 lines, Euclid's book I formalized up to Proposition 26 (AAS)), 
and 369 occurrences of NOTIN.  I use IN and NOTIN to make it clear that I'm 
talking about sets, as in e.g. 
  |- ∀ P l. Line l  ∧  P ∉ l
         ⇒ ∃ A D. A ∈ l ∧ D ∈ l ∧ Right (∡ P D A)
There's no way I'd be happy writing instead the equivalent 
         Line l  ∧  ¬(l P)
         ⇒ ∃ A D. l A ∧ l D ∧ Right (∡ P D A)
My mathematical audience wouldn't understand me, and I wouldn't understand my 
own code well enough to write it.  But I only have 3  occurrences of set 
abstractions {...} in my code, although I ought to add to that the  set 
abstractions {...} I use for INTER etc in (5 by my count).  Now I'm 
certainly not willing to give up my set-enumerations, e.g. 
Segment_DEF     |- ∀ A B. seg A B = {A, B} ∪ open (A,B)
or the operation INTER (which Emacs pre-processor turns ∪ into.    I was very 
happy, a few months ago, when I realized that HOL had this set theory capacity! 
 But my readers won't spend much time, if any, looking at the set abstraction 
let UNION = new_definition
  `s UNION t = {x:A | x IN s \/ x IN t}`;;
in, and my definition (which works just as well) 
let union = new_definition
  `! s t:A->bool. s union t = \ x. x IN s \/ x IN t`;;
isn't that much less readable, I'm thinking, if you only look at it once.


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