Thanks, John!  I'm up to Euclid's Prop I.28, so I have formalized Hartshorne's 
Thm 10.4:
All of Euclid's propositions (I.1) to (I.28) except (I.1) and (I.22), can be 
proved in an arbitrary Hilbert plane, as explained above. 

So thanks for all your help, and for writing such a great program HOL Light!  
Prop I.29 is the first time Euclid uses the parallel postulate, and I think 
that's why Hartshorne quit there.  I'll go a little farther, as no US high 
school geometry text does a reasonable job proving the triangle sum theorem 
(angle sum = 180 deg), but I'll finish soon.  If you can tell me how to use use 
permutative rewrites in my miz3 code, so that 
~Collinear {A, B, C} = ~Collinear {B, C, A}  = ~Collinear {C, B, A} 
etc, I'll code it up, and it will make my code a little cleaner.  I bet you're 
especially busy with the new ocaml release, and if we don't fix this, that's 
fine.  I didn't have any serious comment about the different versions of HOL.  
All of you are using HOL for real world projects where you really have to 
believe the code works, and I bet everyone sensibly says, "I'm going to use my 
code, which I trust."

I really want to know how strong or weak you want miz3 to be.  My belief (not 
based on a lot of info) is that Mizar is intentionally weak, partly to 
encourage very readable proofs and to make Mizar usable for student homework, 
but that you have no such interest in miz3 weakness.  I have only two pieces of 
evidence about your intentions.  Your file Examples/ starts 

(* ========================================================================= *)
(* A HOL "by" tactic, doing Mizar-like things, trying something that is      *)
(* sufficient for HOL's basic rules, trying a few other things like          *)
(* arithmetic, and finally if all else fails using MESON_TAC[].              *)
(* ========================================================================= *)

MESON is pretty powerful! If you had a more powerful FOL prover than MESON, or 
a compatible set-theory prover, I think you use such provers in as 
well.  Your purple book seemed to stress that we should be combining the 
procedural and declarative approaches, and that doesn't indicate a desire to 
weaken the declarative approach.  

My opinion about weakness has changed drastically.  Initially I was counting on 
miz3 to be weak to make sure I wasn't taking big leaps, and to police student 
homework.  But a long discussion here convinced me (Michael mostly) that this 
weakness isn't a good idea.  I now think taking big leaps is fine, and if I'm 
too dumb to spot big leaps in either my code in a students, uh, I'm in bad 
shape, and I shouldn't be counting on the program to bail me out.  One of the 
things which changed my mind was a discussion with Cris and Rob about Los's 
Logic problem which you write about on p 36 of your tutorial, writing "The 
machine proves this a lot faster than I could."  I couldn't prove it at all.  
But Rob wrote up a short mathematical proof of Los's Logic result, which I 
easily coded in miz3 (code for Rob's original proof below) and I decided that 
it's OK for MESON to perform such leaps in my code.  


#load "unix.cma";;
loadt "miz3/";;
horizon := 0;; 

let RobProof2LosLogic_THM = thm `;
  let P Q be A->A->bool;
  assume ! x y z. P x y /\ P y z ==> P x z         [Ptrans];
  assume ! x y z. Q x y /\ Q y z ==> Q x z         [Qtrans];
  assume !x y. P x y ==> P y x                            [Psym];
  assume !x y. P x y \/ Q x y                            [PunionQ];
  thus (!x y. P x y) \/ (!x y. Q x y)

    assume ~(!x y. P x y);
    consider a b such that 
    ~P a b  /\ ~P b a     [notPab] by -, Psym;
    Q a b /\ Q b a     [Qab] by -, Psym, PunionQ;
    !x y. Q x y
      let x y be A;
      suppose P x a /\ P b y [PxyPby];
        ~P x y
          assume P x y [Con];
          P a x /\ P y b by PxyPby, Psym;
          P a b by -, Con, Ptrans;
        qed by -, notPab;
        Q x y by -, PunionQ;
      qed by -;
      suppose ~P x a /\ ~P b y;
        Q x a /\ Q b y by -, PunionQ;
      qed by -, Qab, Qtrans;
      suppose P x a /\ ~P b y [Pxy_notPby];
        ~P x b
          assume P x b;
            P a b by -, Pxy_notPby, Psym, Ptrans;
          qed by -, notPab;
        Q x b /\ Q b y by -, Pxy_notPby, PunionQ;
      qed by -, Qtrans;
      suppose ~P x a /\ P b y;
        P y b /\ ~P a x [Pyb_notPax] by -, Psym;
        ~P y a
          assume P y a;
          P a b by -, Psym, Pyb_notPax, Ptrans;
        qed by -, notPab;
        Q x a /\ Q a y by Pyb_notPax, -, Psym, PunionQ;
      qed by -, Qtrans;
  qed by -`;;

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