Hello Bill,

On 07/04/2013 05:22, Bill Richter wrote:
> I wonder if you could translate part of
> Examples/inverse_bug_puzzle_tac.ml
> from the latest subversion (159) into you IsabelleLight framework.

I tried a couple of the proofs: reachableNSymmetry and 

I have included some extra code that needs to be included because I 
implemented it recently and haven't gotten around to sending it to John yet.

I tried as much as possible not to change the proofs (I haven't read 
what they mean anyway), and simply used Isabelle Light's tools to 
perform the same steps.

Isabelle Light tactics can be used at the same level as normal HOL Light 
tactics, so it is up to you to decide what you find more elegant in each 
case. For example, (rule impI) is equivalent to DISCH_TAC and (fun x -> 
rule_tac [`a`,x] exI) is equivalent to MATCH_EXISTS_TAC.

Also, you lose some of the labelling functionality that you have from 
the recently added tactics (HYP, INTRO_TAC etc). It would take a bit of 
work to build this into Isabelle Light which I'm hoping to find some 
time to do.

Hope this helps get a better idea about the library.

As a side note, I suggest you rename your "cases" tactic because you are 
overriding the "cases" function of HOL Light 



needs "IsabelleLight/make.ml";;
needs "Examples/inverse_bug_puzzle_tac.ml";;

(* Some extra code that normally belongs to Isabelle Light: *)

let try_type tp tm =
   try inst (type_match (type_of tm) tp []) tm
   with Failure _ -> tm;;

let (X_MATCH_GEN_TAC: term -> tactic),
   (X_MATCH_CHOOSE_TAC: term -> thm_tactic),
   (MATCH_EXISTS_TAC: term -> tactic) =
   let tactic_type_compatibility_check pfx e g =
     let et = type_of e in
     let g' = try_type et g in
     let gt = type_of g' in
     if et = gt then g'
     else failwith(pfx ^ ": expected type :"^string_of_type et^" but got :"^
                    string_of_type gt) in
   let X_MATCH_GEN_TAC x' =
     if not(is_var x') then failwith "X_GEN_TAC: not a variable" else
       fun (asl,w) ->
         let x,bod = try dest_forall w
           with Failure _ -> failwith "X_GEN_TAC: Not universally 
quantified" in
         let x'' = tactic_type_compatibility_check "X_GEN_TAC" x x' in
         let avoids = itlist (union o thm_frees o snd) asl (frees w) in
         if mem x'' avoids then failwith "X_GEN_TAC: invalid variable" else
           let afn = CONV_RULE(GEN_ALPHA_CONV x) in
           null_meta,[asl,vsubst[x'',x] bod],
           fun i [th] -> afn (GEN x'' th)
   and X_MATCH_CHOOSE_TAC x' xth =
     let xtm = concl xth in
     let x,bod = try dest_exists xtm
       with Failure _ -> failwith "X_CHOOSE_TAC: not existential" in
     let x'' = tactic_type_compatibility_check "X_CHOOSE_TAC" x x' in
     let pat = vsubst[x'',x] bod in
     let xth' = ASSUME pat in
     fun (asl,w) ->
       let avoids = itlist (union o frees o concl o snd) asl
         (union (frees w) (thm_frees xth)) in
       if mem x'' avoids then failwith "X_CHOOSE_TAC: invalid variable" else
         fun i [th] -> CHOOSE(x'',INSTANTIATE_ALL i xth) th
   and MATCH_EXISTS_TAC t (asl,w) =
     let v,bod = try dest_exists w with Failure _ ->
       failwith "EXISTS_TAC: Goal not existentially quantified" in
     let t' = tactic_type_compatibility_check "EXISTS_TAC" v t in
     null_meta,[asl,vsubst[t',v] bod],
     fun i [th] -> EXISTS (instantiate i w,instantiate i t') th in

(* reachableNSymmetry using Isabelle Light tactics: *)

let reachableNSymmetry = prove
(`! n. ! A B C A' B' C'. reachableN (A,B,C) (A',B',C') n  ==>
reachableN (B,C,A) (B',C',A') n  /\  reachableN (C,A,B) (C',A',B') n /\
reachableN (A,C,B) (A',C',B') n  /\  reachableN (B,A,C) (B',A',C') n /\
reachableN (C,B,A) (C',B',A') n`,
        simp[reachableN_CLAUSES;PAIR_EQ] THEN
        allI THEN rule impI THEN REPEAT allI THEN
        MAP_EVERY X_MATCH_GEN_TAC [`X`; `Y`; `Z`] THEN
        rule impI THEN
        MAP_EVERY (fun x -> rule_tac [`a`,x] exI) [`(Y,Z,X)`; `(Z,X,Y)`;
                                 `(X,Z,Y)`; `(Y,X,Z)`; `(Z,Y,X)`] THEN

(* Broken down version: *)

g (`! n. ! A B C A' B' C'. reachableN (A,B,C) (A',B',C') n  ==>
reachableN (B,C,A) (B',C',A') n  /\  reachableN (C,A,B) (C',A',B') n /\
reachableN (A,C,B) (A',C',B') n  /\  reachableN (B,A,C) (B',A',C') n /\
reachableN (C,B,A) (C',B',A') n`);;
e allI;;
e (rule impI);;
e (REPEAT allI);;
e (MAP_EVERY X_MATCH_GEN_TAC [`X`; `Y`; `Z`]);;
e (rule impI);;
e (MAP_EVERY (fun x -> rule_tac [`a`,x] exI) [`(Y,Z,X)`; `(Z,X,Y)`;
   `(X,Z,Y)`; `(Y,X,Z)`; `(Z,Y,X)`]);;
e (simp[moveSymmetry]);;

(* FourStepMoveABBAreach using Isabelle Light tactics: *)

let FourStepMoveABBAreach = prove
(`!A B C A' B'. ~collinear {A,B,C} /\ move2Cond A B A' B' ==>
   ? Y. reachableN (A,B,C) (A',B',Y) 4`,
  REPEAT allI THEN rule impI THEN erule conjE THEN
  drule ((MIMP_RULE o fst o EQ_IMP_RULE o SPEC_ALL) move2Cond) THEN
  erule disjE THENL
  [ meson[FourStepMoveAB; reachableN_Four] ;
    subgoal_tac `~collinear {B,(A:real^2),C}` ] THENL
  [ meson[collinearSymmetry] ;
    drule_tac [(`A`,`B`);(`A'`,`B'`);(`B'`,`A'`)]
       ((MIMP_RULE o SPEC_ALL) FourStepMoveAB) ] THENL
  [ assumption ; meson[moveSymmetry; reachableN_Four]]);;

(* Broken down version: *)

g (`!A B C A' B'. ~collinear {A,B,C} /\ move2Cond A B A' B' ==>
   ? Y. reachableN (A,B,C) (A',B',Y) 4`);;
e (REPEAT allI);;
e (rule impI);;
e (erule conjE);;
e (drule ((MIMP_RULE o fst o EQ_IMP_RULE o SPEC_ALL) move2Cond));;
e (erule disjE);;
e (meson[FourStepMoveAB; reachableN_Four]);;
e (subgoal_tac `~collinear {B,(A:real^2),C}`);;
e (meson[collinearSymmetry]);;
e (drule_tac [(`A`,`B`);(`A'`,`B'`);(`B'`,`A'`)] ((MIMP_RULE o SPEC_ALL) 
e (assumption);;
e (meson[moveSymmetry; reachableN_Four]);;

Petros Papapanagiotou
CISA, School of Informatics
The University of Edinburgh

Email: p.papapanagio...@sms.ed.ac.uk

  The University of Edinburgh is a charitable body, registered in
  Scotland, with registration number SC005336.

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