Thanks, Petros!  I hate to be an ingrate, but could you port one of my longer 
proofs to IsabelleLight?  It might help if you read section 10.1, The bug 
puzzle, of the HOL Light tutorial, or 
hol_light/Examples/  Thanks for telling me about 
cases: I'll change the name.   What I mainly want is to replicate in tactics 
proofs an accomplishment of Freek's in maintaining an environment so 
that variables don't have to be repeatedly typed.  Are you trying to do that in 
IsabelleLight?  Freek did this, by changing the parser, and Vince has been 
advising me on how to do this myself.  Are you planning to change the parser as 
well, or does IsabelleLight have a different idea for the environment? 

   Also, you lose some of the labelling functionality that you have
   from the recently added tactics (HYP, INTRO_TAC etc). It would take
   a bit of work to build this into Isabelle Light which I'm hoping to
   find some time to do.

Excellent!  I apologize for not having read your code yet.  I just learned 
about another formalization of Tarski's axiomatic geometry, one using the proof 
assistant otter, which I know little about:
Michael Beeson and Julien Narboux both got quite a bit farther than I did:
Does anyone know about otter, or how far Julien is on his Tarski project? 


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