Thanks, Vince!  I think we haven't quite gotten it right yet, as it's tricky to 
talk about intentions.  You correctly pointed out there was something wrong 
with the way I used REWRITE_TAC[DIST_SYM].  John's proof uses ONCE_REWRITE_TAC 
correctly, but he's using DIST_TRIANGLE_ALT, while I tried to get clever and 
use DIST_TRIANGLE. You'll enjoy stepping through John's proof and checking 

I think it's fine to use powerful tools that aren't well understood/documented 
as long as we're using those tools as they were intended.  REWRITE_TAC, 
SIMP_TAC and MESON_TAC are powerful tools to simplify a goal or to solve a 
first order logic problem.  If we're trying to solve/simplify, it's fine to use 
these tools without knowing in advance how much solving/simplifying is going to 
take place.  Now I would really like to understand the exact algorithms used by 
REWRITE_TAC, SIMP_TAC and MESON_TAC, and John posted that Tobias's paper 
explains REWRITE_TAC, but I contend that there is little practical value to 
such knowledge. It would just be nice to know.  As long as we're using 
complicated solve/simplify tools, we're not going to easily be able to 
calculate in advance whether they will work.  And this problem will only get 
worse over time, as we develop even better solve/simplify tools.

The problem with my use of  REWRITE_TAC[DIST_SYM] is that I didn't intend 
maximal simplification.  I got one out of three possible rewrites, and said, 
"Hey, that's just what I wanted, I'll keep it!"  So my error was using a 
powerful simplification tool and intending that it didn't work very well.  
That's gotta be bad coding.  

   Do you mean you don't know the technical differences between them
   [REWRITE_TAC, MESON_TAC and SIMP_TAC]? or that you know them but
   don't necessarily know which impact it has on their behaviour? Or
   that you are really trying them completely randomly?

There's a lot I don't know.  I know that MESON_TAC is a FOL prover, so will 
fail if it doesn't solve the goal, while REWRITE_TAC and SIMP_TAC are 
simplifiers, which may solve the goal.  I think that SIMP_TAC is in all ways 
more powerful than REWRITE_TAC, except that it will hang more often (trying to 
simplify farther), so I try to  use REWRITE_TAC instead of SIMP_TAC.  I used to 
think that SIMP_TAC was in all ways more powerful than MESON_TAC, but I know 
now that this isn't true, from my in-progress (pushing 2800 lines) 
port RichterHilbertAxiomGeometry/ of John's 20,000 line 
Multivariate/  I'm quite pleased to know this, BTW, that MESON_TAC 
is actually better at FOL than SIMP_TAC.  Michael N explained here that 
MESON_TAC is not very good at equational reasoning, but that's what REWRITE_TAC 
and SIMP_TAC are good at, so we ought to use MESON_TAC and REWRITE/SIMP_TAC 
together.  John of course understands the difference between MESON_TAC and 
REWRITE/SIMP_TAC very well, and when he wrote the code he might well have known 
what would work, but I can't just use his choices, because I have extra 
assumptions.   Let's look at one of John's theorems 

 (`!top s t u:A->bool.
        open_in (subtopology top t) s /\ open_in (subtopology top u) s
        ==> open_in (subtopology top (t UNION u)) s`,
  ASM SET_TAC[]);;

In my port, I had to change REWRITE_TAC to SIMP_TAC (simplify);

needs "RichterHilbertAxiomGeometry/";;

let OpenInSubtopologyUnion = theorem `;
  ∀α s t u.  t ⊂ topspace α  ∧  u ⊂ topspace α  ⇒
    open_in (subtopology α t) s  ∧  open_in (subtopology α u) s
    ⇒  open_in (subtopology α (t ∪ u)) s

    intro_TAC ∀α s t u, Ht Hu;
    simplify Ht Hu UNION_SUBSET OpenInSubtopology;
    intro_TAC sOpenSub_t sOpenSub_u;
    consider a b such that
    open_in α a  ∧  s = a ∩ t  ∧
    open_in α b  ∧  s = b ∩ u     [abExist] by fol sOpenSub_t sOpenSub_u;
    exists_TAC a ∩ b;
    set MESON [abExist; OPEN_IN_INTER] [open_in α (a ∩ b)] abExist;

and it fails if I change it to back to REWRITE_TAC (rewrite): 

let OpenInSubtopologyUnion = theorem `;
  ∀α s t u.  t ⊂ topspace α  ∧  u ⊂ topspace α  ⇒
    open_in (subtopology α t) s  ∧  open_in (subtopology α u) s
    ⇒  open_in (subtopology α (t ∪ u)) s

    intro_TAC ∀α s t u, Ht Hu;
    rewrite Ht Hu UNION_SUBSET OpenInSubtopology;
    intro_TAC sOpenSub_t sOpenSub_u;
    consider a b such that
    open_in α a  ∧  s = a ∩ t  ∧
    open_in α b  ∧  s = b ∩ u     [abExist] by fol sOpenSub_t sOpenSub_u;
    exists_TAC a ∩ b;
    set MESON [abExist; OPEN_IN_INTER] [open_in α (a ∩ b)] abExist;
                               Warning: inventing type variables
 Failure("solve_goal: Too deep").

The reason is that I'm not just rewriting with OpenInSubtopology:

  |- ∀α u s.  u ⊂ topspace α
         ⇒ (open_in (subtopology α u) s ⇔ ∃t. open_in α t ∧ s = t ∩ u)

OpenInSubtopology needs an antecedent, which in our case is 
t ∪ u ⊂ topspace α
and I know from experience that SIMP_TAC will compute this antecedent using the 
Ht & Hu and the theorem UNION_SUBSET.

If you go through my code and randomly permute rewrite, simplify and fol, you 
might be surprised at what does and doesn't work.  Look at the tail end of my 
file, where I'm giving mostly 1-line proofs of John's Euclidean 
theorems from the general topology theorems I proved above.  Most of the proofs 
but sometimes I can change that to 
and sometimes I need a longer proof.  Here I can see why I need a longer proof: 

let CLOSURE_INTERIOR = theorem `;
  ∀s. closure s = UNIV ━ interior (UNIV ━ s)

    rewrite closure_DEF GSYM TOPSPACE_EUCLIDEAN interior_DEF;
    simplify SUBSET_UNIV TOPSPACE_EUCLIDEAN ClosureInterior;

I'm using both TOPSPACE_EUCLIDEAN and its GSYM.  Only MESON_TAC can do that.  
Here's a 2-line proof:

let INTERIOR_EQ = theorem `;
  ∀s.  interior s = s  ⇔  open s

    simplify interior_DEF OPEN_IN SUBSET_UNIV TOPSPACE_EUCLIDEAN InteriorEq;

Neither SIMP_TAC nor MESON_TAC can prove this by themselves, and I don't know 
why.  I don't feel that I need to know.  That's the point of powerful tools, to 
do things I can't do in my head.  I can't even in my head figure out which of 
the two powerful tools will work, or whether they're both needed.


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