I'm trying to understand Tom Hales's compact description of HOL Light in his 
AMS Notices article www.ams.org/notices/200811/tx081101370p.pdf
The first things I don't understand are the type bool and the beta-conversion 
inference rule.

Isn't there an axiom that there are exactly two term type bool, T and F, both 
constants?  I can't see where Tom says that, or where it's explained.   Maybe 
this is the theorem EXCLUDED_MIDDLE from class.ml.  I saw in bool.ml something 
else Tom didn't explain, which Michael N explained to me some time ago, how to 
define the universal quantifier: 

let FORALL_DEF = new_basic_definition
 `(!) = \P:A->bool. P = \x. T`;;

That's pretty close to how Church defined the universal quantifier in his 1940 
paper A Formulation of the Simple Theory of Types 
http://www.jstor.org/stable/2266170, with his primitive constant Pi.  Church 
gives  beta-conversion as an inference rule, and I think that's what HOL4 does 
as well.  Here's from p 26 of LOGIC;

Beta-conversion [BETA CONV]
(λx. t1 )t2 = t1 [t2 /x]
• Where t1 [t2 /x] is the result of substituting t2 for x in t1 , with suitable 
renaming of
variables to prevent free variables in t2 becoming bound after substitution.

Tom (and I think HOL Light) only gives the very simple beta-conversion 
inference rule

(λx. a) x = a

Presumably you can deduce this from the Tom's primitive inference rules, or 
maybe you need the axiom of extensionality as well.  I think it's proved in the 
HOL Light sources in equal.ml: 

(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(* General case of beta-conversion.                                          *)
(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)

let BETA_CONV tm =
  try BETA tm with Failure _ ->
  try let f,arg = dest_comb tm in
      let v = bndvar f in
      INST [arg,v] (BETA (mk_comb(f,v)))
  with Failure _ -> failwith "BETA_CONV: Not a beta-redex";;


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