On 10/19/2011 12:30 PM, Curtis Villamizar wrote:

In message<28269.1318994...@marajade.sandelman.ca>
Michael Richardson writes:

"Curtis" == Curtis Villamizar<cur...@occnc.com>  writes:
     Curtis>  A WiFi AP will not connect to another AP and wireless
     Curtis>  routers are typically AP by default.  So if two wireless
     Curtis>  routers autoconfig to being AP and using open routing, then

OUT OF THE BOX:  not every device plugged into a home network have
     no prior configuration.  For instance, someone bringing a newsed
     device to grandma's house.

He who configures it needs to fix it.  Or press the factory default
button (if there is one).  The example is two AP.  Most AP can be
restored to factory default with a button press.

What happens if you have two of them and they're BOTH configured to boot as the "master" home access point?

     Curtis>  there is only a risk if something that is an WiFi client is
     Curtis>  also a configured to be a router.

Yes, but we want to assume that at least one of these will be configured as a router as a default, which means we KNOW someone will turn on two of them....

On BSD and I suspect Linux as well, the default for:


are both zero.

Right, but that cannot be the default for a homenet box.

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