In message <>
Russ White writes:
> > Is it better to leave the possibility of theft of service or is it
> > better to have the device unusable by default (until configured)?  
> This is a false dichotomy, as well...
> It is best to find some reasonable ground where 90% of the people in
> the world will find the security acceptable, and then let the 10% who
> care configure the rest.
> But I would also point out that the argument you're making can be
> applied to applications as well as network gear.
> :-)
> Russ

We are talking about whether to bring up routing.  The risk is theft
of service.  This is like locking the screen door if the inside door
deadbolt is already locked.

It is only an issue if the inside door has no locks or has very
ineffective locks and even then locking the screen door doesn't really
help much anyway.

Every WiFi product I ever bought was open WiFi as shipped.

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