On 11/14/2011 9:16 PM, Ted Lemon wrote:
On Nov 15, 2011, at 12:46 PM, "Stephen [kiwin] Palm"<p...@broadcom.com>  wrote:
You miss the point: while phones certainly do have usb device capability - 
today they are not have host and today they do not accept the A connector - so 
they cannot accept a standard usb thumb drive - and market forces will keep it 
that way.

No I didn't miss the point, please don't assume I am stupid. Your
phone has a USB device. Therefore there is a physical medium of exchange
for the file we are talking about. True, the medium of exchange is not a
thumb drive, but it could be for example that you plug your phone *in*
to your router, or something. We are talking about what the file would
look like, not how the devices are connected.

I see - you are presuming the phone acts as the thumb drive.

I think we're thinking the phone is the router (ala tethering). In that case, there needs to be a way to plug the USB stick into the phone, which can't happen (since the phone draws power off the USB, rather than delivering it). If the USB were self-powered, it *might* work, but I've never seen such a thing.


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