On Thu, Aug 09, 2012 at 10:17:21AM -0400, Kerry Lynn wrote:

> The distinction I was trying to draw was not which protocol is used
> for resolution, nor the degree of ambiguity in the name, but that these
> names are defined within a local scope (e.g. without recourse to
> recursive DNS lookups outside the site boundary). 

Right, I know that, but what I'm trying to say is that merely drawing
_that_ point is not enough for our purposes.  To a user, these are all
just names.  To us when we're trying to make them work together, we
have to attend to the differences, because they don't all work the

Just "doesn't use a recursive DNS outside the boundary" isn't even
enough.  For instance, what about people who are installing local
(sometimes-)recursors in order to get DNSSEC validation on their
machines?  Someone will tell them, "Install this nifty security
feature on your laptop."  But because Unbound has just inserted itself
in a place that Apple wasn't expecting it, stuff starts working funny
some of the time only in some circumstances.

(I don't think we really disagree.  I'm just very concerned to make
sure this fact about protocols doesn't get obscured, because I'm not
sure that everyone understands how many different naming
infrastructures are really involved in a small network with a lot of
ad-hocery going on.)


Andrew Sullivan
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