On 2012-11-13 5:47 PM, "james woodyatt" <j...@apple.com> wrote:
>For my part, I have a hard time foreseeing how the expectation that
>residential sites will always have more space to assign than a single /64
>subnet is even remotely reasonable.  Far too many service providers are
>casting into operational concrete topologies that assign only one subnet
>to each billable subscriber gateway.

I can't speak for all operators, but I would say most I have dealt with do
not specifically suggest that a single /64 is the target.

That said, there are current operation considerations which factors into
the present Wireless and Wireline network prefix assignments.  This has
caused situations where a single /64 is given out or made available for

In the longer term, I would think that shorter prefixes would be handed
out.  There is no guarantee how large of a prefix will be provided - This
is likely an operator to operator decision (but market demand normally
dictates the eventual outcome).

>I don't hold out much hope that much of a market will ever exist for
>residential networks with multiple subnets per subscriber.  I also don't
>hold out much hope for the kind of coordination between service providers
>that will permit multihomed residential sites to work well.

I don't agree that operators are not considering multi-subenet home
networks.  I know of at least one which is looking at more.  As for
co-ordination between operators, I suspect this is subject to traditional
behaviours (no reason to assume character will change for IPv6)

>That's why it looks to me like HOMENET will eventually converge on
>specifying single /64 links behind a single residential gateway.

I personally would not like to see HOMENET confine the work to a single
/64.  I do however think the group needs to consider the fact that a
gateway MAY get a /64 (a sad, but perfectly valid PD) for any number of
reasons- therefore it needs to be considered in how the HOMENET treats the


Victor K

>james woodyatt <j...@apple.com>
>core os networking
>homenet mailing list

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