{possible resend}


wrt:  draft-baker-ipv6-isis-automatic-prefix-00

for a network where there is more than one ISP, is it acceptable for a CPE
that has decided that it is PREFIX1:0123::/64 (and gone through the
process of advertising it and backing things off...), to "randomly"
decide to be PREFIX2:0123::/64 when it sees PREFIX2?

I.e. the "0123" is identical for the two prefixes?

This seems a desireable (but not required) property that all the
prefixes on a LAN are similar.

]               Never tell me the odds!                 | ipv6 mesh networks [ 
]   Michael Richardson, Sandelman Software Works        | network architect  [ 
]     m...@sandelman.ca  http://www.sandelman.ca/        |   ruby on rails    [ 

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