Dave Taht <dave.t...@gmail.com> wrote:
    > To add a little mental context, I have just been thinking about the link 
    > problem in general, and that of encapsulation...

    > :

    > Another question is that Homenet Router X, needs some sort of wireless
    > dongle to talk to these devices (I expect it is not 802.11 we are
    > talking about here). So I imagine there is some sort of existing
    > dongle that has a linux driver to talk to?

The LLNgateway (e.g. Thermostat in the Nest case) has wifi or wired
ethernet as well as the 15.4 radio.   Some of these gateways already run
*WRT, some are powered (sometimes PoE) versions of LLN platforms, and so are
rather small.  While doing the latter is popular among makers of the LLN
platform, because it's something they know, going forward, it won't work,
because you need a less constrained management node.

    > So... it is not useful to speculate further. While I think many IoT
    > devices are arm based, it would be nice to know what sorts of chips
    > they are using, and to get a look at the toolchain and OS. ? (/me
    > makes eyes at nest folk) (?)

Contiki is very popular.

    > The higher end of the IoT world is all linux it seems. (It seems
    > strange to be referring to things like the beaglebone black, raspberri
    > pi, and parallela as high end... Aside: has anyone played with a
    > galieo?


Michael Richardson <mcr+i...@sandelman.ca>, Sandelman Software Works
 -= IPv6 IoT consulting =-

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