>> Here are the figures given by H. Gredler on p.266 of "The Complete IS-IS
>> Routing Protocol" for a Cisco GRP 1200:
>> Routers      Links   SPF time (ms)
>> 100         250       4,80
>> 200         500      12,42
>> 400        1000      31,22
>> 600        1500      52,94
>> 800        2000      76,67
>> 1000       2500     101,94

> Cisco 12000 with the original GRP (I guess this is what the book is
> referring to) sees to have used a 200Mhz R5000 processor with 512KB L2
> cache.

Since SPF makes random memory accesses, that's probably 10-100 times faster
than a MIPS 4KEc at 250 MHz with its 8KB data cache.

So Homenet probably can afford to make one SPF every second, assuming
a carefully crafted, native-code implementation of SPF.  Which is probably
achievable, but would seem to argue in favour of some smart rate limiting.

You're almost tempting me into trying my hand at it ;-)

-- Juliusz

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