retitling this because I really, really, really, would like more
people using hncpd
and providing feedback on that, rather than arguing over specification

On Fri, Feb 20, 2015 at 2:14 PM, Markus Stenberg <> wrote:
>> On 20.2.2015, at 22.01, Dave Taht <> wrote:
>> On Fri, Feb 20, 2015 at 11:34 AM, Steven Barth <> wrote:
>>> Am 19. Februar 2015 20:05:56 MEZ, schrieb Ted Lemon <>:
>>>> Hm, I will have to try it out.   Is it in a distribution?
>>> ohybridproxy in openwrt. It's mainly useful with hnetd (hncp) though.
>>> Manual configuration without hncp is a bit awkward since you need to name 
>>> each link manually and on every router configure the resolver (e.g. 
>>> dnsmasq). I guess we might want to provide a little example for 2 links at 
>>> some point.
>> I would like to deploy hncp in my upcoming make-wifi-fast testbed.
>> However the biggest headache is ensuring that all the routers
>> inbetween have hncp burned into them, and are only acting as relays as
>> I generally only obtain a few (/60) real IPv6 prefixes per GW and they
>> only need to be on the APs.
>> GW1 - routerA - routerB - routerC - routerD - AP1
>>                                         |
>> GW2 - routerE - routerF - routerG - routerH - AP2
>>                           |
>>                         AP3
>> GW3 ...
>> (the actual topology of the testbed is way more complex than this
>> (covering ethernet, wifi, and moca) and I am not going into it here)
>> 1) is there a way to configure hncpd as purely a relay, and NOT do any
>> address assignment at all on routers B,C,D,F,G,H?
> In theory (=spec), but not in current implementation (I _think_).

Yes, the spec seemed right, but after playing with the code, got
stuck, so I thought I would ask. If you can point me at any specific
area of the code to try to make relaying work, I can dig into it; I am
about a month away from deployment. (and have other things I would
rather do than improve hnetd, like make-wifi-fast)

I think having hncp relaying support universally is needed, and for
devices that are homenet participating but not necessarily full blown
devices - should be configured as a "relay only" by default.

the local multicast proxying problem is partially why pim-sm and
related protocols did not deploy to a huge extent, IGMP notoriously
buggy, etc, etc. See for example, the sad, underused state of pimd.

> You do not really need non-linklocal addresses for HNCP, or routing protocol, 
> so as long as there are no hosts on the link..

That to me, was a truly major point of both hncp and routing protocol.

I have seen plenty of people gripe elsewhere about assigning *any*
public ipv6 addresses to a home router, preferring that dnsmasq´s
dhcpv6 server work without one, for example.

>(traceroute is a bitch though given just linklocals)

I don´t care about traceroute.

> As workaround in current implementation, if you set it to assign e.g. /80 per 
> link used for your intermediate links, you would have almost all of address 
> space left; however, in your case, I am not sure you can even afford to split 
> one /64 for that purpose.

Nope, 22+ APs, most with 2 or more subnets, and a couple /60s to play
with. Have no idea with the topology above how IPv6 prefix exaustion
will be handled either.

But - more importantly - I am not interested in exposing intermediate
routers to the wild and wooly internet with public ipv6s. Got enough
firewalling problems as it is.

I realize that my use cases are a bit different than standard
homenet´s, but I am very interested in exercising the protocol to a
fuller extent than it has before.

>> 2) have you tested that it is indeed possible to get the separate ipv6
>> prefixes from GW1,GW2,GW3 to AP1,AP2, AP3?
> Yes.
>> 3) Can ULA and "Real" address assignment be distinguished along the
>> way? I have no problem assigning ULAs to the routers, but dont want to
>> use up real addresses on them.
> In theory (=spec), not in current implementation (ULA is actively discouraged 
> in current impl, I cannot remember if there was option to override).

What I had done with ahcpd was: it calls a script to configure every
received address,
filter out anything but ulas, and just configure those. Easy, couple
lines of code.

>> 4) What happens when someone pulls the plug on GW1, it reboots, and
>> gets a new Ipv6 subnet (I have seen comcast do this to me
>> every time that happens with the code I have in place now - no
>> retraction, and I go through hell manually eliminating every former
>> prefix from the network. Yes. I have upses. And cerowrt, at least,
>> stays up for 90+ days without a problem. But it happens and sucks when
>> it does)
> Renumbering should just work as usual. I.e. rest of nodes should learn of the 
> new prefix, and old one should disappear.

I hope so. Arbitrary renumber is really the biggest PITA I presently
have with comcast.

Well, with the exception of naming - ipv6 mapping - which I have just
totally given up on at present. Try to get a printer to reliably work
with a dynamic public ipv6 address... with mdns... it is less painful
to merely shoot nails into your head.

> -Markus

Dave Täht


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