
On Fri, Aug 07, 2015 at 08:53:48AM +0200, Mikael Abrahamsson wrote:
> Well, I am still of the opinion that ISIS would work well without 
> modifications for Wifi that works as intended. It's also been that when I 
> have questioned why people would have crappy wifi (which is seems to be 
> one of babels major design goals to handle), I have been told I am being 
> silly and that's not what's being said. It's been quite confusing.

You *are* being silly, because Babels design goal is not "handle crappy 
wifi well" but "handle *all* potential network topologies a homenet might
encounter well, including crappy wifi".  Which means it will totally work
well if you do *not* have a crappy wifi link around.

> Babel does some of what ISIS does. ISIS does some of what babel does.

What is it that Babel does *not* do that ISIS does (and that is relevant
for a homenet scenario)?  It perfectly well works on wired links.

It might not work on an ISP backbone, and it does not do L2 (TRILL), and
it does not do multi-topology, and it does not run over OSI protocol - but
which of that is relevant for the homenet scenario?

Nobody is doubting that ISIS is the more versatile protocol, has a more
active working group, many more RFCs to document it, and so on - but 
what of this is *relevant* here?

Gert Doering
        -- NetMaster
have you enabled IPv6 on something today...?

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