Handovers between WiFi and self, or anything else are treated in the mobility Working Group (dmm).

Handover is considered solved with protocols like Mobile IP, Fast MIP, Proxy-MIP and more. Nothing stops it from running in a home environment, other than maybe a question of where to place a Home Agent. I dont see anything else particular in a home.

The current thought in the dmm WG is to work on a Distributed Mobility Management scheme, because that HA has certain inconvenients.

Handover - go to dmm.


Le 12/08/2015 12:27, Juliusz Chroboczek a écrit :
I still think the Homenet WG should pay far more attention to seamless
WiFi handover,

We're currently working on that with the WLAN-SI guys.  They've got
a nationwide mesh network (it's a small country, granted, and they use the
public Internet infrastructure whenever possible), and while they're not
interested in roaming at a global scale, they insist on seamless roaming
within a small cluster of routers (home or village sized), and they insist
on no host changes and good support for Android hosts.

We'll write to this list when we know what works.

In case it doesn't show, I'm enthusiastic about the energy and competence
of the WLAN-SI core team.  They make a serious effort in translating
everything they do into English, and they've got a nice node database
online (even nicer one ready, but not deployed yet):


-- Juliusz

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