Mikael Abrahamsson <mailto:swm...@swm.pp.se>
30 Nov 2015 08:33
On Fri, 27 Nov 2015, Ray Hunter (v6ops) wrote:

How would you "move a /64 around"?

Well, the same way you would move a /128 around I guess.

Not sure that's correct.

When moving a /64 per host you have to presume a /64 has been allocated to a host already.

So every time a new host joined wifi you'd have to re-run the entire HNCP prefix allocation algorithm AFAICS, and check whether there's a conflict of this /64 still being active elsewhere. Unless of course you pre-allocate a pool in advance assuming there'll be a certain number of hosts on wifi.

On the other hand, for moving individual hosts, I've used a CIDR trick in the past when moving data centres that 2 or more LANs are configured with an identical IPv4 prefix, and then I've added host routes + proxy ARP to trick hosts into thinking they're actually directly connected. Should also work for IPv6 as long as CIDR is truly 128 bits (RFC7608).

So it seems to me the missing pieces of the puzzle could be:

1. Identifying cooperating router interfaces across the Homenet and assigning a common /64 to them in prefix allocation 2. Maintaining a list of /128 wifi hosts bound to the cooperating routers interfaces [including MAC address]. 3. detecting "side changes" (in bridge speak) where a host has changed connection point and packets are arriving on a new cooperating interface. Could potentially be detected when receiving a DAD for a /128 from the list of wifi hosts with identical MAC address to one previously observed. 4. injecting and removing /128 routes as hosts move between cooperating interfaces, and updating with list of /128 wifi hosts. 5. Proxy ND equivalent to proxy ARP to answer ND requests on cooperating router "local" interfaces for hosts connected to "remote" interfaces.

Proxy ND would include DAD [defending a request for a /128 on a cooperating interface with a MAC address not included in the list of /128 wifi hosts], but also answering standard ND queries AFAICS so that wi-fi connected hosts could inter-communicate. Answers to standard queries could be triggered by the presence of a /128 route in a similar way to IPv4 proxy-arp.

I'm presume cooperating routers would have to maintain a translation table of MAC address to /64 prefix per host wireless interface.

What's the practical difference with moving a /64 (which still requires routing changes AFAICS) compared to moving a /128 host route?

None, apart from that a host seldom has a single /128 but instead several /128:s. The biggest upside is that you don't need to do DAD handling between participating wifi routers (since the host is alone in the /64, there is no need to do inter-router DAD).

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