Ted - thanks for posting a clear summary of the situation for WG discussion and 
consensus.  Two questions in line…

> On Dec 12, 2016, at 10:46 AM, Ted Lemon <mel...@fugue.com> wrote:
> One thing that I think the working group should be aware of, although I don't 
> know if this awareness will change anything, is that the situation with the 
> .homenet allocation is less simple than we would prefer: it's not really 
> simply a matter of adding .homenet to the special use domain names registry.  
>  The reason is that we need DNS resolution to work properly for domains under 
> .homenet, and this has to work even if a host is doing DNSSEC validation.
> At present, if you were to configure a homenet router with .home or .homenet 
> as the local domain, this would work perfectly nicely until you turned on 
> DNSSEC validation, at which point all the names in either hierarchy would 
> disappear.   The reason for this is that the root zone provides proof of 
> nonexistence for nonexistent names in that zone.
> It is possible to address this problem by requesting ICANN to put an insecure 
> delegation in the root zone.   The problem is that from a process 
> perspective, this is a _lot_ more heavyweight than doing a special-use domain 
> name allocation, and has no guarantee of success.   This wasn't such an issue 
> for .onion when we did it, because .onion _wants_ a secure denial of 
> existence--we _never_ want a .onion query to actually happen if the name has 
> been handed to a resolver that doesn't understand .onion explicitly.   This 
> is not true for .homenet.
> There are two approaches we can take to this.   One is to proceed--ask ICANN 
> to do the delegation and see what happens.   The other is to take the more 
> expedient, less satisfying approach: use .home.arpa instead of .homenet.   
> I'm not in love with this as an end solution, but it has the advantage that 
> the IAB controls .arpa, and so we can get an unsecure delegation right away 
> assuming the IAB agrees.   I see no reason to think they would not.   It's a 
> bit more typing, and there is the problem that the fourth google result for 
> arpa is "Advanced Research Projects Agency.   But it would work, and quickly, 
> and would keep the whole process in the family.
> The other alternative is to continue with the original plan: do the 
> special-use names registry allocation, and send a liason to ICANN asking them 
> to do the unsecure delegation.   The downside to this approach is that we 
> won't know whether the outcome will be success or failure for a long time, 
> possibly several years.   And the outcome could very well be failure.   The 
> upside is that we get the name we all want; the downside is that we are a 
> long way down the road with no win.

So, now I’m a little confused by the alternatives; for clarity, does the 
paragraph that begins “The other alternative” refer back to the “ask ICANN to 
do the delegation” approach?

> I should point out that whichever way we go, we already have solved the 
> immediate problem: we have a name that HNCP can use, the potential liability 
> for IETF is dealt with, and our prototypes can be made to work.

Are you referring to “.home”, “.homenet”, “.home.arpa” or some other name to 
use as the HNCP default?

- Ralph

> So I am personally okay with either decision.   Our AD, Terry, may have more 
> of a sense of what ICANN will do (but to some extent he really can't know, 
> because it's up to committees within ICANN to actually make this decision).   
> I'm mentioning this now not to derail the process, but simply to make it 
> really clear what our expectations should be.   The reason that this didn't 
> come up in Seoul is that it didn't actually click for me that we had a 
> serious problem until several of us were chatting on the way out of the room, 
> after the working group had already decided to proceed.
> On Thu, Dec 1, 2016 at 9:02 AM, Ray Bellis <r...@bellis.me.uk 
> <mailto:r...@bellis.me.uk>> wrote:
> On 21/11/2016 13:25, Ralph Droms wrote:
> > (Updated comments on draft-ietf-homenet-dot originally posted prior to the 
> > WG last call)
> Thanks Ralph.
> I'd like to remind the WG that the LC is due to run until Friday
> December 16th, so please anyone else with comments please get them in.
> Ray
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