On Mon, Jul 23, 2018 at 4:08 PM, Juliusz Chroboczek <j...@irif.fr> wrote:

>  whereas Daniel's draft only allows me to publish my address
> if I'm in my Homenet.

One of the reasons I was hassling Daniel at the mic about updating his
draft based on implementation experience is that I think it's hard to read
the document and get a clear sense of what is being described.

That said, what is being described is a building block, not a system.   The
hidden primary is a building block.   You mention in another message that a
stateful primary is brittle, because there is no permanent authority on a
homenet.   You are actually agreeing with Daniel: the reason to have the
state somewhere other than the homenet is that it can be managed by someone
who maintains it; then if the homenet loses its memory, it can simply
refresh it from the cloud.

How to update your DNS when you aren't on the homenet is a separate issue.
 One way to do it would be to always be connected to the homenet over a
VPN; another would be for the homenet to have a global name and just do it
the usual way; this global name could be set up in much the same way that
you are proposing to set up individual hostnames: not a delegation from a
TLD, but a delegation from a service provider.

That said, the use case for what you are describing is a bit beyond the
pale for a typical end user.   They just want to be able to reach their
printer or their home automation system.
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