"Dr. Carole Nowicke, Applied Health Science" wrote:
> I just did a quick-and-dirty search of "Music Index Online"

        I also looked at the latest Baker's. There's an entry, but it's
so brief I don't know why they bothered. The article in the new
ed. of MGG doesn't say anything that isn't in the article in the
2nd ed. of New Grove; the latter appears to be a paraphrase of
the former. The old ed. of MGG doesn't have Bozza.

> Talk to your music librarian!

        Excellent advice! I'm a librarian by trade (**NOT** a music
librarian!), and even so, when I have a research question, always
pose it to a reference librarian. By doing so I've gotten
information I'd never have found on my own--and my job is
creating catalog entries, so I have a good handle on how to get
at the stuff. One tip: Be as specific as possible about what you
want to know. For example, don't say you're interested in French
horns if what you really want to know is when the Reynolds
Chambers Model was introduced.

                                        Howard Sanner
                                        [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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