Hi there.
I'm 19 years old and planning to be a professional hornplayer. Unfortunately there is 
one big obstacle - I have terrebly bad eye sight and find it very difficult to 
sightread music. In the youth orchestras I used to play in, it didn't realy matter 
because there was months to prepare for one piece. Recently I started playing as an 
extra in our local professional orchestra (Cape Philharmonic). It is realy a struggle 
to read the music and having to be able to do it right the first time. Usually the 
first time is quite a mess, but luckely I have a good memory and am able to memorize 
the music up to some point by the time of the performance (usually 2 days later). 
That's not always so easy though, and often I do some stupid things in the 
performances as well. It helps a bit if the music is enlarged. The worst is when I get 
handwritten music that has to be performed after only one rehersal.
I would like to know if there are any other musicians around who has such a problem 
and how they handle this kind of situation.
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