In a message dated 2/20/2003 8:33:59 PM Pacific Standard Time, 

>        On a completely unrelated note, my first valve on the Eroica has 
> started to clank when I push it down.  My private teacher said to get some 
> Spacefillers valve oil because it's slightly thicker.  Well, I oiled it and 
> it still clanks.  Is there a way to oil the horn that I don't know about?  
> What else is there to stop "clanking?"  Please help.
> Mike Scheimer, Pittsburgh

Hi Mike,

Make sure that the sound is not coming from 
the stop arm or a loose bumper holder.  If they 
are quiet/tight the problem is probably the 
end/back bearing.  It is a simple and inexpensive
repair to trim the back bearing so it seats further
into the casing and stops the noisy end play.  Heavy
oil will not solve the problem.  IMHO it is better to 
solve the problem than to mask the symptoms. 

Regards,    Jerry in Kansas City
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