On 21 Feb 2003, Prof.Hans Pizka wrote:

> Just a tiny bit of oil.
> keep your horn CLEAN inside. No candies in the intermissions, no
> chocolate, no food at all. Avoid refreshing drinks containing sugar or
> similar. Drink water instead. Your horn & special the valves will
> thank you for your discipline.

One way you could solve two problems at once would be to eat a lot of
greasy oily snacks during intermission, like potato chips, onion rings,
chicken wings, spare ribs, donuts,...  Just remember to spit out all of
the remaining solids before you play again.  As you play, the residual
oils in your mouth will gradually get into your horn and work their way
into your valves.  Cooking oil and animal fats are generally pretty heavy,
so as they mix with your regular oil over time, the stuff will coat the
moving parts of your valves, and the clanking problem ought to go away,
even if the problem is a loose bearing plate.  Remember to place a napkin
on your lap, even if you play off the knee.

        {  David Goldberg:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]  }
        { Math Dept, Washtenaw Community College }
                 { Ann Arbor Michigan }

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