Hi all,
  I am a freshman horn major here at USC studying with
Rick Todd.  Its a great school to study horn at; I
found out yesterday that there are more horn majors
than flute majors!  Also something to keep in mind,
USC has a pretty generous financial aid office.  I
come from a middle class family with four kids in
college, so I didn't think I could afford to come, but
USC was very generous, giving me lots of financial aid
in grants and such.  Don't let the cost keep you from
  By the way, I love the music from LOTR, and I would
agree the movie music fits best in the context of the
-Kipp Johnson

--- [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> Why don't you see if you're current school offers
> the same tuition (tuition 
> assistance) at USC as you're current school- if so
> you could save a LOT of 
> money(about 10,000$ a year).  Find a nice apartment
> or even live on campus while 
> attending school.  It is an attainable goal- all you
> have to do is get your 
> foot in the door!
> I also love film music, to hear how accurate and
> articulate a studio player 
> is amazes me.  Especially because most are 8D/horner
> players.<-----Treat this 
> as a fair generalization
> hoss
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