Hello Diane!

I haven't played the Schumann for over 20 years now, and the last time I
played it I used a Descant Double horn (Bb/HighF) but as a Student I did
play the 1st horn part on my double horn, so it is possible. 

If you have the range to play the piece, and you feel you have the
stamina to get through it, go ahead. 

If you can't reach the top register with your own instrument, it is
doubtful if you will be able to with a different instrument - I assume
you are thinking of a descant horn here? - . Too many players use a
Descant horn as a crutch. IMHO if you can't get the notes on a double
horn, think carefully about it before embarking on what is certainly not
an easy piece to play.

if your stamina isn't up to it now, you certainly can do something about
that before April next year:-)

If you decide to go ahead with the concert, good luck and whatever else
you do, enjoy it.


Francis Pressland
Solohornist - Niederrheinische Sinfoniker

> Hi Everybody,
> Recently I have been asked to principal on the Concertstuck. At first
I was 
> really excited then reality kicked in. I do not own a decant horn.  I
would like 
> to know what most people play this piece on? Would it be crazy  for me
to play 
> it on my double(E.Schmid)? The concert is in April 2004 I have lots of
time to 
> prepare. My next question is how some of you who have played this
piece prepared 
> for it? 
> Sincerely,
> Diane Doig
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