Just joking around there Hans :) I'm sure that would probably set me back a 
lot of money to even attempt to order it...

You have to admit Hans, if you were rich you would want a lot of things to 
play with too. If I were rich I'd probably have four or five horns and two sets 
of valves for each and I probably would fork out a ton of money for the 
Veneklassen horn just to see what the fuss was about... but then again if I were 
rich I'd also probably waste a lot of money anyways so it's just as well that I'm 

I'm sure you could lap Titanium valves though, although you'd probably have 
to be there a while and use some really fine diamond dust or something. I don't 
think a garnet powder would do the trick there. With a hard enough 'sanding' 
grain you should be able to lap anything short of a Diamond itself. It just 
takes longer...

But then again I'm no metallurgist so I could be wrong.


In a message dated 12/7/2003 8:28:37 AM Pacific Standard Time, 

> Lapping in titanium valves - I wish you much "Spass" .......

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