<<subject: Re: [Hornlist] Oddball eBay Horn

<Neat horn. It looks similar to the one Dennis Brain is pictured with on one
<of the Mozart Horn Concerto CDs he did.


  This is a French compensating double horn.  With the trigger "up" the air
goes through the Bb side, with the trigger down it STILL goes through the Bb
side but then some extra tube is added to put it in F.  I think Brain used
single horns.  Anyway, I had something like this for a few months.  With the
"American" mouthpiece (Holton MC) it played pretty normal, when I switched
to the original mouthpiece the horn REALLY brightened up and sounded more
like a hunting horn... very French!  If your looking for a quick, bright
instrument this might be just the thing.  Oh, the placement of the valves
makes it almost imposable to hold : )



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