Carlberg wrote

I just finished a small patio table made from two fiberglass cafeteria
trays and copper tubing, and I'm sitting outside reading, sipping my
coffee. Between writing e-mail and practicing. It's 72 degrees
Fahrenheit/22 Celsius outside. Life is good.

The more mundane is that I just got back last week from Australia where I
attended the double reed conference in Melbourne and visited a friend in

In a bit I'll spend a few hours playing duets with a friend.

I just returned from physics teacher meetings at
Sacramento State, where I was spared from having
to associate with double reed players, either singly
or in large groups.  In my Prof. Cabbage guise, I
gave a talk on the acoustics of the horn, concluding
with a performance of See Spot Run, newly orchestrated
for soprano, garden hose (in D), and string quartet.  Tom
Rossing, former president of the American Association
of Physics Teachers, made a surprise guest apearance as 
Spot.  Needless to say, there wasn't a dry seat in the house.

Gotta go,
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