Again, There is no point in arguing who is good and who is evil.  Keep it 
simple, and even I can take a position.  If a group of people claim to hear 
their god whispering into their ear telling them to kill every man, woman, and 
child who doesn't conform to their exact beliefs, under their definitions, 
these people pose a real threat to the rest of the population.  A threat equal 
to that of any homicidal maniac or sex offender.  They should be prepared to be 
hunted down and removed from circulation permanently, under the rules they have 
proclaimed.  I have relinquished my right of personal, individual enforcement, 
but if the majority of my fellow citizens feels the need of the duly elected 
authorities to take effective, aggressive action, I support it.  My duty is 
then to vote in such a way, the action stays under control.  My only other 
alternative is to convert to their beliefs, and hope I can do it convincingly.
What I find really scary is our authorities seem more intent on using this as a 
scheme to curtail individual freedoms under the guise of protection.  We're 
going to prison so the killers can run free.  Of course, where this is all 
leading is to the requirement of a chip implant to track whereabouts of 
everyone around any potential target, just like the Bible says.  Face it, the 
technology is already mature and being used every day.  The newer chips in 
credit cards can be read from quite a distance, especially as they increase the 
detector technology..  If your cell phone can find you, so can the FEDS.
-----Original Message-----
From: Michael Henry <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Sat, 9 Jul 2005 21:49:10 -0700
Subject: Re: [Hornlist] UK attack - NHR

David Goldberg wrote:
<<Bill, Jonathan, Hans, others interested and concerned, check this out for
some background on the attack:>>
Uh, sure David....and for some background on the totally discredited 
McCarthy-ite right wing racist nutcase Daniel Pipes (should you be interested 
and concerned),  you might want to check this out:
-Michael Henry

from: David Goldberg <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
subject: Re: [Hornlist] UK attack - NHR

Bill, Jonathan, Hans, others interested and concerned, check this out for
some background on the attack:

        {  David Goldberg:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]  }
        { Math Dept, Washtenaw Community College }
                 { Ann Arbor Michigan }


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