--- Graham Jarvis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Hi listers
> I just came across this video on the Swedish Royal Opera House homepage and 
> thought it might be
> of interest. The text gives some background to the Long Call in its context. 
> The hornplayer is
> Annamia Eriksson. I heard her give a recital of music for Horn and harp 
> during the summer and
> was very impressed.

Very well played! 

For my taste it is a bit on the fast side, tempowise. And it clearly has been 
played from
memory-only a lot of times since the music last was on the stand. The 
interpretation is quite

But then the sound is very alive, bright and projecting. And the intonation is 
earpleasingly good.

Interesting, that the F side slides are so meticulously emptied. I don’t think 
they are used at
all in this performance.

Also interesting, that the main lobby (not the entry hall) of the Stockholm 
opera is so similar in
its period expression to its equivalent in the old opera of Copenhagen (still 
in function mainly
as a ballet stage).

Is the horn used for this performance an Alexander 103? I did not get a good 
look at the change
valve, but the very well carrying sound pointed my ears in that direction.

Speaking in F-notation: 

With a very long stretch of virtuous hand horn technique this piece might be 
played on a natural
horn, but I do not think, that Wagner intended that.

Still it sounds very much like a piece for hand horn except for the repeated 
A-minor to F-major
section. I can “hear”, what is possible on a hand horn, and that section sounds 
a bit strange to
me, if I put on my hand horn ears.

Ranting, but I enjoyed the link. And I have heard the performance 5 or 6 times. 
Comparing it to
the manuscript available from Hans’s site.

Klaus Smedegaard Bjerre

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