LOTP wrote:
The paper is white, The "pigment" is black. Grey is the more or less intense application of the black pigment on white.

This is way off topic (not the first under this subject header) - but the comment above, and the one about equations just now reminds me of a strange little math test - here are a couple of examples and their answers:

Solve for x:

1)  xray = black + white

(x = g)

2) xlgebrx

(x = a)

Get it?  Here we go:

Solve for x:

3)  2x or not 2x.  That is the question.

4)  (9 + 7x/2 = (4 - 2x(6 - 2x

5)  Drifxod

6)  $ = mxy

7)  hx = altitude

8)  xse = nervous

9)  asix = stupid

10)  Solve for t:  cat = dog

       {  David Goldberg:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]  }
       { Math Dept, Washtenaw Community College }
                 { Ann Arbor Michigan }

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