How about the Cello Concerto?  Even a horn player can be in awe of Yo-Yo

I have had the privilege to play in a college band over the last few
years (as a "Guest Artist").  Many of the students are not music majors,
and of those that are, some are outstanding musicians - a very small
handful of them you may even hear about in years to come.  Most of them,
however, are dreadfully ignorant of the musical literature older than
their own teen years (I'll leave it to others to discuss whether what
they are familiar with counts as musical literature).  This is not their
fault - they simply haven't been exposed.  I don't think anyone has ever
tried to instill in them a love of music beyond whatever is playing on
popular radio right now.

My own two boys have been going to live concerts of professional
Orchestras (Minnesota and SPCO, CSO) for as long as they can remember
(and as often as I can afford it), but if I were a gambling man, I would
bet money most of their friends (other than the ones we brought with us)
have never seen the inside of a concert hall.

I wish I could make the NY Phil opening concert required viewing for all
beginning musicians.  There was more than loud brass playing (and what
was there was entirely within the character of the pieces - blame the
recording and broadcast technology if you must find fault), there was
real music.

Timothy A. Johnson

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