Hello Fellow Horn Folk-

I have a quick question out there for those of you who have more experience 
putting together audition tapes and/or adjudicating. 

I am preparing a taped audition which includes only excerpts.  I feel more 
comfortable leaving out the specifics, as it is very possible that others on 
this list are taking the same audition.  

Several of the excerpts mailed to me have instructions which say to "play 
between rehearsal marking X to rehearsal marking Y". But these have sections in 
between the solo measures which are long rests or simple tutti horn sections 
(whole notes).  On the recording, should I count out the rests exactly and play 
the tutti parts too ? Or does the committee just want to hear the solo 
material?  Should I compromise and play everything, but skip over the long 

My instinct is too play everything per the instructions, but including the 
rests the section is several minutes long, with only about 6 measures of solo 
stuff and seems like a waste of the comittee's time to listen through. 

Thanks a lot, 

David Meichle
Lawrence University WI

David Meichle
Lawrence University WI
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