Excellent. I'm noticing some other jobs have reached 100% too. Great progress!

http://tasks.hotosm.org/job/211 "RD Congo, Sud-Kivu, Nextview imagery *** 
Cholera" 100%
http://tasks.hotosm.org/job/198 "Mali Activation, South of Mopti, Trace 
infrastructures (Input : Crowdsource Image Recognition)" 100%
http://tasks.hotosm.org/job/201 "Mali Activation, Mopti Buildings for UN OCHA" 
is at 96%

I've unfeatured these so that the main featured list ( http://tasks.hotosm.org 
) is showing basic mapping tasks for people to join in with. Plenty more!

Of course it's probably a good idea for some pro-mappers to cast their eye over 
these areas after jobs are completed. You can use the task manager validation 
feature (turning the squares from red to green) but also just sanity checking 
across the overall area. Have we acheived consistent coverage of the intended 
features, also consistent categorisation of roads? And JOSM validator and other 
QA tools will help reveal patches of mapping mistakes.


From: Frédéric Bonifas <fredericboni...@gmail.com>
To: "hot@openstreetmap.org" <hot@openstreetmap.org> 
Sent: Thursday, 25 April 2013, 14:31
Subject: Re: [HOT] Update on Kunduz mapping


The task for mapping Kunduz buildings is now 100% completed:

Thank you to all that have participated to achieve this.



Frédéric Bonifas
+33672652807 skype:fredericbonifas

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