Hi everyone

Back in February 2010, I sent Mike Collinson an email to set up this list.

> At 04:47 PM 24/02/2010, Mikel Maron wrote:
> Mike
> We have a need for a list just focused on Humanitarian OSM Team ... can you 
>set that up?
> hot@openstreetmap.org is what we're thinking.
> Thanks
> Mikel
We think this has worked out pretty well, right? :) This was after a tremendous 
amount of community activity and consideration.

The idea of hot-francophone raises a lot of questions, that deserve the time 
for us as a community to consider.

* Do we envision every language group working within HOT to set up its own 
language list? hot-indonesian? hot-philippines?
* How would local language HOT lists interact with country level lists?
* How would coordination and communication between mailing lists be managed?

* Are we in danger of having only French speakers involved in HOT activities in 
Francophone countries?
* Are there other alternatives to consider again, that we've used ok in the 
past, like the practice of including Google Translations in posts?

We should discuss these things together. No matter what your native language, 
there's something to consider here. Let's get together and talk and come to 
consensus about the best way forward. I call on someone to organize an IRC 
meeting next week, perhaps as a meeting of the Communication Working Group. 
Providing these forums for our collective discussion and decision making is 
part of what HOT does.

Which, like all Working Groups, is open to everyone in the HOT community. 
Please, we need you!

And about OSM mailing lists, from my 9 years experience in the project, I don't 
think we have a precedent to hot-francophone. All OSM mailing lists come out of 
community discussion. We're still lacking that discussion regarding HOT 
communication channels. If you look over the lists at 
https://lists.openstreetmap.org/listinfo, they fall into two broad categories: 
locations and topical lists. The locations lists have sometimes sub-divided 
into finer grained locations, like oxoncotwsalds. But key to this, that came 
out of a discussion among the existing community. And there was a precedent of 
local area lists --- it makes natural sense to split up by geography. Language 
splits among topical lists is another issue, and something we need to think 
about. And important to note, OSM mailing lists are famously difficult. talk@ 
is really no model for productive discussion.


* Mikel Maron * +14152835207 @mikel s:mikelmaron

On Friday, July 11, 2014 12:04 PM, Harry Wood <m...@harrywood.co.uk> wrote:

>Thanks for bringing this back on topic Mark.
>Given that the HOT mailing list has been the primary communication channel for 
>HOTties (volunteers/members/whoever)  it's a fairly big change introduce a 
>language split like this.
>So the new mailing list is here:
>Does help or hinder us?
>Raphael said it seems like a "natural" move, and I guess that's why sev just 
>went ahead and did it. I don't really want to heap criticism on Sev for doing 
>that. And I don't think Heather wanted to do either. She was merely saying we 
>(all of us) should've had a discussion
>I worry that we seem to be developing some deep divides in our community 
>between english and french speakers. So yeah it's a tricky one. Obviously if 
>you speak french and not english... it's  natural to want a french mailing 
>list to post to.
>I'm kind of 50/50 on it really. "Swings and roundabouts" to use an awkward 
>english phrase :-)
>From: Mark Cupitt <markcup...@gmail.com>
>To: Severin Menard <severin.men...@gmail.com> 
>Cc: "hot@openstreetmap.org" <hot@openstreetmap.org> 
>Sent: Friday, 11 July 2014, 16:27
>Subject: Re: [HOT] Launching the hot mailing list in French
>Hey All, I live in an environment where there are German, Swiss, French, 
>Aussie, Us, Britts, Belgian, US speakers  (to name a few). 
>One of the simple things I have learnt is that to communicate, someone has to 
>translate. And that is no simple task ..   I speak Aussie .and I am lucky that 
>folks take the time to explain what is being said.
>So, I am all for multi-lingual lists, however, how do the points that are made 
>on each list get communicated to the other lists?
>Its all well and dandy to have them, but at the end of the day, we need to 
>share the information...
>How do we do that across different lists in different languages ..
>Mark Cupitt
>HOT mailing list
HOT mailing list

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