I just want to make sure I understand this:

We are just talking about getting an email for squares that we personally have marked as "completed" when it gets validated or invalidated, not for every square that gets validated.

Or, as an alternative:

Every square that we have personally marked as completed AND that we have checked a box for that says something like: Notify me of comments on Validation/Invalidation.

I was also further talking about being able to optionally "subscribe" to comments on any task square, by checking a box.


On 8/29/2014 12:47 PM, Nick Allen wrote:

I was recently involved in teaching a large group of new mappers, and
close to the end of the session I repeated to them how to find the
squares they have mapped, click on them, and see the comments that the
validator had left. At the end of the session I was approached by
representatives of both the British Red Cross & Medecins Sans Frontier
who each commented that it seemed like a long process, and couldn't it
be automated so that a message is automatically sent to the mapper
concerned. At the time, I replied that the many hundreds of very good
mappers would not want a pestering email every time one of their
hundreds of squares was validated.

However, on further reflection I am having second thoughts, but don't
know if;

a/. there is something already in the pipeline, &
b/. what other HOTties have in the way of ideas about this.

I should explain that I see validation as both a quality control
feature, and a training aid. Rather than invalidate, I will frequently
validate a square if it only involves work I can complete in a few
minutes, and I will leave a message in the square something like 'Click
on this link to see screenshots showing the before & after:
I've joined the paths together & added the round huts that were present
- screenshot shows one of them & they are tagged building=hut.
etc......'   In this case it would obviously be good if there was an
option within the Tasking manager that allowed me to send this as a
message to the mapper concerned rather than leave it to chance as to
whether it is ever seen. If this feature was implemented I would suggest
that it was a tick box that the validator would have to select with the
text similar to 'Tick this box if you require your comments to be sent
as part of a message to the mapper concerned'.

The ticking of the box & then confirming with the validate button would
cause a message (email or OSM messaging system) with a preformed text
such as

Title=HOT Validators feedback, square @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@

Hi & thanks for mapping for the Humanitarian OpenStreetMap Team,

A validator has recently validated square @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ which you
marked as complete on @@date@@ & has asked that the following comments
are passed on to you;

/Click on this link to see screenshots showing the before & after:
I've joined the paths together & added the round huts that were present
- screenshot shows one of them & they are tagged building=hut. etc....../

Please take these comments in the positive way they were intended. The
Humanitarian OpenStreetMap Team would like to see you map many more
squares & the comments are only intended to keep the mapping standards high.

Keep up the good work, and thanks again for mapping for HOT.

This is an automated message.

There was a genuine interest from members of BRC & MSF when asking me
about this, and there was an offer to help with the coding as well.
Personally something like this would save me a lot of time - I'm
currently trying to validate the work of about 60 new mappers and
anything which speeds up the process would really help.

I'd welcome some discussion on this.



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