I  actually think we're overthinking this issue.  The first few suggestions 
that were made were on the money - that mappers can have the ability to receive 
feedback on squares they complete, by ticking an opt-in box when they complete 
a task.  Validators can then provide valuable feedback to new and longstanding 
mappers alike.

I have dabbled in IRC in the past, but now that I tend to use a graphic based 
environment, I find IRC very draining and sometimes hard to follow. The task 
manager provides such a clean welcoming interface, that it seems a backward 
step to have to refer to IRC to ask questions.  I have found ways of checking 
back on tasks I complete through stats, and I have found how to message the 
author of an object by sourcing their nickname through JOSM, authors. This has 
allowed me to provide some feedback, but I'm not sure how the 'experienced' 
community deals with mappers who regularly make the same errors or poorly 
interpret aerial images.

IMO I would like the opportunity to give and receive feedback on tasks that I 
complete/validate. Perhaps add a 'Mark as Done - request feedback' button, or a 
check box for each task.  Validators could then have 'invalidate - provide 
feedback' and 'validate - provide feedback' buttons, or check boxes that would 
include comments they have made on the task.

I am really wanting to get feedback on the work that I'm completing, but don't 
know the best way to request this so I hope we can reach a solution soon.


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