Hey Ahasan,

The best way to sync your census data with OSM would be to have similar
administrative boundaries, they are typically stored as Multipolygons.
There is tons of documentation on how to create accurate boundaries [1].

Any national wide census should start with defining every boundary within
your country. Here's an example of each level based on Canadian standards:

Admin 4 - Province
Admin 6 - Regional Municipalities
Admin 8 - Cities
Admin 10 - Neighborhoods

Ex: "Corwnall, ON" has 6 touching boundaries [2]

It will take a very long time before OSM can collect street level data for
an entire country, the best bang for your buck would be to define those
boundaries at first and then collect at a higher level of detail later on.

If your organization has a strong influence in Bangladesh, don't hesitate
to add some custom ID attributes to those polygons once you add them.

Ex: "bbs:id = 1234"

Contact me if you want any more details on adding these types of features.

Best of luck,

[1]: http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Tag:boundary%3Dadministrative
[2]: http://www.openstreetmap.org/way/165353574#map=14/45.0084/-74.7181


*Twitter: @DenisCarriere*
*GitHub: DenisCarriere*
*LinkedIn: **ca.linkedin.com/in/deniscarriere

On Sat, Mar 7, 2015 at 12:28 PM, Ahasanul Hoque <hoque.aha...@gmail.com>

> Hello dear Mappers,
> Hope you all are doing great. I need a kind suggestion from you guyz.
> Last week I facilitated a OSM training at Bangladesh Bureau of Statistics
> (BBS) which is the is the only national Statistical institution responsible
> for collecting, compiling and disseminating statistical data of all the
> sectors of the Bangladesh economy to meet and provide the data-needs of the
> users and other stake holders  like national level planners and other
> agencies of the Govt. Under the auspices of the computer wing of BBS, a
> development project entitled *"Strengthening Capacity of BBS in
> Population and Demographic Data Collection Using GIS"* is being
> implemented. The objective is to prepare digital enumeration area maps for
> conducting various censuses and surveys, aiming to reduce non-sampling
> errors.
> I introduced them with OSM, now they want to do a piloting. In that case
> some issues arise like, *How should the House/building draw: rectangle or
> as a point ? *since, In JOSM based task mapping each households mapping
> is difficult.and during field paper mapping to draw the exact shape is
> difficult. That is why people are suggesting to map the households as point
> not rectangle.
> Would you please suggest me *what should I do in this case from their
> experience (if have) ? It is very important for OSM, if we can make it
> successful then whole Bangladesh will be mapped in future by BBS.*
> Thanks in Advance.
> Ahasan
> .....................................................................................
> Ahasanul Hoque
> *GIS & Data Mgt SpecialistWSP, **The World Bank.*
> MSc in RS and GIS | AIT, Thailand. MSc. in Env. Science| KU, Bangladesh.
> *Diploma in Disaster Mgt & Humanitarian Response* |
> Uni of Hawai-USA, UNU, Keio& Okayama - Japan; AIT-Thailand*.*
> *Contact: *hoque.aha...@gmail.com; ahasan...@yahoo.com
> <ahasan...@gmail.com> | Web: *ahasanulhoque.com*
> <http://ahasanulhoque.com/>
> *Skype: *ahasan4u | *Linkedin: **http://tinyurl.com/njg3xsp
> <http://tinyurl.com/njg3xsp> *
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